Lt. Joe Kenda Answers the Question Everyone Is Asking About the JonBenet Case

Courtesy of Investigation Discovery
Not a week goes by when Lt. Joe Kenda isn’t asked about his take on the JonBenét Ramsey case. With over 20 years of experience and a 92 percent success rate at solving homicides, it’s no wonder that many think of Lt. Kenda when they look for justice.
We reached out to Kenda for his insights on the Ramsey investigation. Hear his take on the infamous murder case and watch an exclusive video interview:
“I had just retired from the CSPD when this crime occurred in Boulder, Colorado. I was approached and consulted with well after the event by the Boulder Police Department, so I am quite familiar with facts not known to the public. In my opinion, gross deficiencies occurred during the initial stages of this investigation by the Boulder Police Department. These deficiencies were so great they produced fatal errors and preclude any possibility of this matter ever being presented in court. Murder cases are like a spinning top on a table: One should admire it first and study it carefully before proceeding. Touch it too soon, and it goes off the table. And you never get it back. That little girl remains in her grave, and no one will pay for it.”
– Lt. Joe Kenda
For more of Lt. Joe Kenda’s insights follow @Ask_Kenda on Instagram.
And for more about the Ramsey case, watch the three-night special JonBenét: An American Murder Mystery on Investigation Discovery, starting Tuesday, September 12 at 10/9c.