Chicago Police Release Video Of Pregnant Kierra Coles Before She Vanished

Kierra Coles, 26, was three months pregnant when she went missing from Chicago, Illinois in 2018. In June 2022, Chicago police released the last recorded images of Coles leaving a store after using an ATM.

Chicago Police Department

By: Michelle Sigona

26-year-old Kierra Coles, a United States postal worker, disappeared on Oct. 2, 2018. Kierra's family, friends, and loved ones have been desperate for answers and have been looking for Kierra ever since. Joe Coles spoke to News Nation about his daughter's missing case, "I’m crushed, I’m hurt, I’m confused, I’m lost."

On June 14, 2022, Chicago police released an 8 minute and 37 second cold case video on this investigation. The video reviews the timeline of when Kierra was last seen and also provides a brand new clue in the investigation; a video of Kierra making a withdrawal from an ATM.

Karen Phillips, Kierra's mother, sat down with police for a detailed interview about her daughter. Phillips said, "She wanted to be in TV, radio, something so everybody could just hear her voice. Kierra loved dancing and taking videos of her and her friends, you know whenever they went out just laughing, having fun, making memories."

Kierra also said Coles was working at the post office for three years as a seasonal employee before she was hired permanently. "She loved her job," Phillips added. Kierra's professional life was on track and she had a lot to celebrate in her personal world. Phillips confirms her daughter was three months pregnant at the time of her disappearance. Kierra, according to her mom, was looking forward to being a new mother and continuing to work on her personal and professional goals.

Lt. William Svilar with the Chicago police homicide division confirms the family filed a missing persons report on October 4, 2018. In the video released by police, officers can be seen walking through the apartment located in the 8100 block of South Vernon, attempting to locate Kierra or any clues to help in the mystery. Svilar said officers had to force entry to gain access to the home, but she was nowhere to be found.

Svilar said investigators were also able to "piece together" a timeline of the hours leading up to Kierra's disappearance. There is a man who they identify as a "person of interest." He was seen getting into Kierra's vehicle. This unidentified person was in the passenger seat and she was driving, Svilar said.

Around 10:43 p.m. on Oct. 2, 2018, Kierra was seen walking into a local store and she made two ATM withdrawals. Kierra was only inside the establishment for three minutes total before leaving. This was the last time she was ever seen.

At some point, according to Lt. Svilar, "Less than an hour later, the vehicle was seen arriving and parking in another area of the city. The person of interest exits the passenger side of the vehicle, but nobody exits the driver's side." The next day, according to Svilar, Kierra's vehicle was seen parking her car near the apartment where she was living, but Kierra was nowhere to be found. The "person of interest," according to Svilar, “is seen parking Kierra's vehicle near her residence before entering the building and exiting with unknown items."

According to News Nation, inside the vehicle Kierra had worked hard to buy, was her packed lunch, prenatal bag, and her cellphone. This unknown person, according to the Lieutenant, drove off in his own vehicle, which was on the street nearby. This person was questioned, Svilar said, but gave "varying accounts" of the last time he had contact with her.

As for the period in between, when there are not any answers, Phillips said, "The worst thing a parent can go through, whether their child is safe, warm, fed, being treated right. It's just heartbreaking."

According to the Chicago division of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service that is working on the case in combination with Chicago Police, “Since October 2018, Postal Inspectors have tracked down and vetted nearly 400 leads across the country. We cannot begin to imagine the level of pain, grief, and frustration felt by Ms. Coles’ family, friends, and community. We share those feelings.”

If you have any information about this mystery, please contact Chicago Police directly at (312) 746-6000.

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