Family Still Looking For Answers In 1965 Disappearance Of Elizabeth Gill

Authorities said a vehicle previously purchased in Lake Orion, Michigan is linked to this Cape Girardeau, Missouri mystery. If you have any information on this missing mystery, please contact the Cape Girardeau Police Department directly: 573-335-6621.


By: Michelle Sigona

On June 13, 1965, two-year-old Elizabeth Ann Gill, who was also known as "Beth" or "Betsy" and the youngest of 10 children, was taken from her Missouri front yard. She was last seen in the 300 block of South Lorimer Street in Cape Girardeau.

According to Click on Detroit and Dateline, at the time of Elizabeth's abduction, there was a suspicious couple staying in the area. The man and woman were reportedly staying at a local motel behind the family's home and had ordered a part for their 1965 Chevrolet truck.

According to the report, the part wasn't set to arrive until June 14, 1965, 24 hours after Elizabeth was taken. Click on Detroit added, "On Monday, the dealer called the motel and was told the couple had left the day before — around the time Elizabeth disappeared."

Martha Gill Hamilton, Elizabeth's sister, claimed investigators tracked down the information and the man and woman were using aliases and may have changed the license plates on their vehicle. Martha, who was 13 years older than Elizabeth, said that her sister was trusting and never threw fits. "She was everyone’s little angel,” Martha added.

It was around 4 p.m. that June afternoon when Elizabeth’s siblings said they realized something was wrong. The children were searching the home high and low and yelling for their sister, reports said, but Elizabeth never responded. In 2010, the FBI classified this case as a kidnapping.

Martha told Dateline she remembered a woman was in the area selling purses and tried calling Elizabeth over to her at least two times. “One time, someone at the motel saw [a woman] talking to Bethie. The other time, my mom and brother saw the woman talking to Bethie in our front yard near her car. My mom called her back and told her to come inside," Martha added.

The vehicle, according to Dateline, was tracked back to Lake Orion, Michigan. Martha remembered, “The family was devastated. You can’t imagine. Everyone was torn up. But we were blessed to have a large family in that we counseled each other.”

Martha and her loved ones continue to hang onto hope. They've reportedly submitted their DNA to websites with the goal of making a connection to Beth.

Elizabeth is a white female who has blue eyes and, at the time of her disappearance, had shoulder length brown hair. She also had a chicken pox scar on her right elbow. She was last seen wearing a green blouse and white shorts.

If you have any information on what happened to Elizabeth, please contact the Cape Girardeau Police Department directly at 573-335-6621.

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