Searching for Answers: John And Callahan Walsh Revisit Boca Raton Murders
In 2007, over a period of nine months, three women and two children were targeted at the Towne Center at Boca Raton. One woman and a toddler managed to escape, but two other women and a 7-year-old child were murdered. If you have any information on this suspect’s whereabouts, please submit your tips to or text 1-833-378-7783 (3-PURSUE).

On March 23, 2007, 52-year-old wife and mother Randi Gornberg went to the local mall in Boca Raton, Florida for an outfit. Investigators said at 1:16 p.m. she left the mall, but never made it home. Authorities said Randi was carjacked in her Mercedes-Benz and shot to death. At 1:54 p.m. she was found on the ground, about five miles where she was last seen. Randi did not survive. According to a 2012 report in the Sun-Sentinel, Randi’s credit cards were used in Connecticut and Massachusetts.
Palm Beach County Sheriff's Detective William “Bill” Springer believes the murder was a result of a robbery attempt. There was failed access to Randi's ATM.
Only five months later, authorities confirm there was a second abduction at the mall. Somehow, thankfully, the woman and her toddler managed to escape after being held at gunpoint. In this August 2007 incident, the survivor described the man who tried to kill her as Hispanic. He was someone who wore dark glasses, had a long ponytail and donned a floppy hat. The woman was able to give authorities the information and they created the sketch. The suspect was described as having a baby face with hardly any facial hair.
A few months later, investigators believe a third family was targeted just before the holidays. Investigators said 47-year-old Nancy Bochicchio and her 7-year-old daughter Joey were at the same mall, doing some of their Christmas shopping, when they became the next victims. The mother and daughter were found murdered — execution style. Local 10 reports Nancy’s cell phone and credit cards were located in Miami after the deadly incident.
Authorities believe it's possible the same man could allegedly be responsible for all three incidents.
John Walsh said in his episode on this case, "This was a hunter, this is a hunter of women and children. A thrill killer who planned it and had a kill kit. He's a sociopath doing it for the game."
According to retired FBI Agent John McVeigh, who spoke with John and Callahan Walsh for the story, the suspect did not seem to know the area near the mall very well. McVeigh added, "This is a loner, someone who does not have a conscience."
In November 2017, the Boca Raton Police released this video on YouTube about the case.
On the Justice For Randi Facebook page, the family posted this message in 2018, “Dear Randi’s Killer, We know it has been years since you took the life of this beautiful and caring woman. We know it has been difficult on your conscience seeing Randi’s mother on the news every year pleading, begging, for you to come forward and confess. You left a mother without a daughter, a daughter without a mother, a husband without a wife, and an entire community broken. Here is what we want you to know; We will NEVER give up. We WILL come together as a community and piece together every detail we know about what happened that day, until we find you.”
If you have any information on this suspect’s whereabouts, or anything about these three incidents, please submit your tips to or text 1-833-378-7783 (3-PURSUE).