Wisconsin Fugitive Kevin Anderson Wanted After Two Family Members Found Dead, With Their House Set On Fire
If you have any information on Kevin P. Anderson from Sumpter, Wisconsin, please contact our hotline directly. You can always remain anonymous and you can text information 24/7: 833-378-7783 (3-PURSUE).

Kevin Anderson [Jefferson County Sheriff's Office]
On June 16, 2020, investigators in Jefferson County, WI were called by a family to a rural home for a suspicious scene. Windows were found broken out of the house and glass was found on the ground. A deputy with the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, who did not wish to be identified for the taping of the story, was the first on the scene.
Upon arrival, only 12 minutes after the 911 call, the deputy said he spotted a woman on the ground, who appeared to be injured, and a trail of blood nearby. As the deputy took a closer look, shots began to ring out. The bullets were hailing down from an elevated position. The deputy knew someone was trying to kill him and he thought, "This is absolutely an ambush."
Those shots were fired by an unknown suspect, and bullets were returned by the deputy. The deputy dove into a nearby ditch and was crawling along the roadway to take cover. As this intense scene was unfolding, the house with the broken out glass on the farm went up in flames.
By the time backup arrived on the scene, not knowing if the area was safe to enter, investigators made the decision to fly a drone to get a good aerial view as to what was happening below. They could see the woman's body and were able to locate a man's body as well.

Victims Jim and Nedra Lemke [Family photo]
It was later determined that the deceased male and female on the scene were husband and wife, 57-year-old Nedra and 59-year-old Jim Lemke. The couple was dedicated to their community and loved ones. Jim worked at the church's youth ministry program for more than two decades and the couple took a lot of pride in traveling the world on mission trips. It was hard to understand why someone would want this loving couple killed. Family members said they had no enemies, but as investigators dug more deeply into their past - a prime suspect emerged.
Investigators learned Nedra's brother, Kevin Anderson, a 62-year-old with a hot temper, was incredibly upset. Detectives learned their father recently passed away and left his daughter in charge of his estate.
Unfortunately, by the time the scene was safe to enter the farmhouse had burned to the ground. Investigators spent the next 72 hours combing piece-by-piece through the debris and rubble. Although Jim and Nedra were found outside, and Anderson's truck was located concealed in a nearby barn, a third body or remains were not located.
As the weeks progressed, and Anderson did not emerge, detectives said they spent day after day searching the 80+ acre property. They used K-9's, cadaver dogs, drones and airplanes. Anderson has been gone ever since.
Family members say Anderson is very familiar with the marsh land on the property. He drank heavily and mainly worked odd jobs his entire life. Anderson is described as a loner with a violent temper and he has a criminal history dating back twenty years. Investigators said he is a convicted criminal who wasn't supposed to own guns, but had access to many.
Amanda Waterworth, Jim and Nedre's daughter, told "In Pursuit with John Walsh," "I feel that him burning down the house was definitely a revenge move... one of my biggest fears is that he will hurt somebody else."
As for keeping her parents' memory alive in the days and years to come Waterworth added, "my parents' legacy was to live life to its fullest. They would always tell me, go have your adventure."
Tips have come in, but none have led to Anderson. If you have any information on Anderson please contact our hotline directly. You can always remain anonymous and you can text information 24/7: 833-378-7783 (3-PURSUE).

Kevin Anderson [Jefferson County Sheriff's Office]
HEIGHT: 6 feet tall
WEIGHT: 200 pounds
HAIR: Balding brown
RACE/SEX: White Male
DOB: June 21, 1958
DATE OF CRIME: June 16, 2020
LOCATION OF CRIME: Jefferson County, WI
CHARACTERISTICS: Avid hunter and outdoorsman, has frequented thousands of the acres in the area of CTH A/Hwy 106.