A Florida Nightclub Owner Taped His Own Homicide

Investigators trying to figure out who was responsible for a triple homicide in Miramar, Florida, got a very lucky break when they discovered a home surveillance system hidden at the scene of a 1994 murder.

January 31, 2023

Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (Screenshot from ID's "See No Evil")

25-year-old Sharon Anderson was preparing for her debut as an actress in a dinner theater play on June 25, 1994. The Miami, Florida, native was excited to finally get into show business, but she was restless as the dress rehearsal grew closer. After practicing her lines, she decided to blow off some steam at a bar with her best friend, Marie Rogers.

Sharon and Marie were frequent patrons at Casey’s Nickelodeon, a nightclub owned and operated by the gregarious Butch Casey. Casey regularly mingled with his guests, and he often stopped to chat with Sharon and Marie when they were there. That evening was no different as the three shared a drink to celebrate Sharon’s upcoming performance.

Two days later, on June 27, Sharon’s sister, Debbie, got a phone call from their mother. Sharon had missed a movie date with her mom, and her mom wanted to know if Debbie had heard from her. Debbie wasn’t overly concerned and encouraged her mom to give Marie’s mom a call to see if she’d seen the two after their night out.

Debbie got the second call later that day — Marie was missing as well, and Debbie’s mother decided to call the police.

Broward County officers went to Casey’s Nickelodeon to see if anybody there remembered seeing the women that night of June 25. The bar’s manager recalled seeing them leave with Butch, but calls to Butch’s house went unanswered. The next step was to check at Butch’s home in nearby Miramar.

From the porch, officers could hear loud music playing from inside, and the lights in the home were on, but nobody came to the door. There was also something odd — a call back card from another police agency was stuck between the door and the frame. An officer decided to walk around behind Butch’s home to see if he could see anything amiss. When he peered through the back sliding door, a violent scene was laid out before him: two women and a man were lying in pools of blood on the floor.

Police flooded the neighborhood to process the crime scene and speak with neighbors. Inside the home, investigators began meticulously photographing the scene. As they worked through the home, they realized there was a home surveillance camera high on a bookcase. A cord ran from the camera to a VCR on a lower shelf.

When deputies pressed “eject,” a VHS tape popped right out.

Find out what Butch Casey’s camera captured on See No Evil: “Murder on VHS” on Feb. 1 on ID and discovery+.

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