About The Clown and the Candyman
Two serial killers, Dean Corll and John Wayne Gacy, thousands of miles apart, brutally murdered over 60 teenage boys. The police said the murders were the work of these sole deranged killers, but for the first time we reveal that they were actually connected by a network of pedophiles which was partially financed by prominent members of American society. This is America's sordid secret.
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Episode 6: "Ten Days in December" Jan 13, 2021
The inside story of tracking John Wayne Gacy with the cops who were there.
Episode 1: “The Candyman” – The Inside Story of Dean Corll Dec 18, 2020
Two serial killers, Dean Corll and John Wayne Gacy, thousands of miles apart, brutally murdered over 60 teenage boys. The police s …
Episode 7: "My Friend the Murderer" Jan 19, 2021
One man befriends two predators to uncover a conspiracy.
Episode 2: “Stranger Danger" Jan 4, 2021
How the Oakland County Child Killer stopped American kids from playing outside.