Showing 2,641 - 2650 of 2,765 results

Teen Pleads Guilty To Child Abuse Homicide For Planning & Videoing Friend’s Suicide

Tyerell Przybycien was the alleged mastermind behind 16-year-old Jchanda Brown's death.

The Murderous Pastor Who Craved Sex With The Dead

After killing Conway's mother, John D. White dressed the three-year-old in his Halloween costume and dropped the oblivious boy off to his father in a grocery store parking lot.

300-Pound Woman Pleads Guilty To Fatally Smothering Her Boyfriend By Sitting On Him

Windi Thomas, who weighs 300 pounds, used her body to smother her boyfriend to death.

UPDATE: Alyssa Shepherd Charged With Reckless Homicide In Bus Stop Crash That Killed Twin Boys & Their Older Sister

Police are trying to figure out why the 24-year-old driver failed to yield even though the bus' stop arm was extended.